CSS 3 中的 Transition 用法

本文摘自 勾三股四 更早时期的 不老歌 博客。

W3C 官方文档在此:http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/


Transition 的作用和基本原理,就是通过某些 css 属性值的渐变(从一个值过度到另一个值),达到简单的动画效果。


例如,我们希望 'left' 属性和 'background-color' 属性的改变可以在2秒之内渐变过度,颜色由红色变成蓝色,横坐标由小变大,这些都是可以通过 transition 来实现的。
p {
    transition-property: width, background-color;
    transition-duration: 2s;

transition-property 属性

Name:           transition-property
Value:          none | all | [ 〈IDENT〉 ] [ ‘,’ 〈IDENT〉 ]*
Initial:        all
Applies to:     all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited:      no
Percentages:    N/A
Media:          visual
Computed value  :Same as specified value.
属性值 none 表示没有任何动画效果;
属性值 all 表示所有可变换动画的属性都有动画效果

当然了,如果你把 transition-duration 设为 0 的话,这里怎么设置都不会有动画效果的。

transition-duration 属性

Name:           transition-duration
Value:          〈time〉 [, 〈time〉]*
Initial:        0
Applies to:     all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited:      no
Percentages:    N/A
Media:          interactive
Computed value: Same as specified value.
写个代表时间的数字即可,比如 2s。也可以写多个,用逗号隔开。默认值是 0,即无动画效果。

transition-timing-function 属性

用来定义动画的渐变公式——相信看过此部分 W3C 文档的人会吐血的,没错,贝塞尔大叔又出现了。。。
Name:           transition-timing-function
Value:          ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(〈number〉, 〈number〉, 〈number〉, 〈number〉) [, ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(〈number〉, 〈number〉, 〈number〉, 〈number〉)]*
Initial:        ease
Applies to:     all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited:      no
Percentages:    N/A
Media:          interactive
Computed value:	 Same as specified value.
个人觉得大家理解 ease/linear 就行了,稍微进阶点可以再看看 ease-in/ease-out/ease-in-out,至于那个 cubic-bezier 神马的,感兴趣的自己慢慢琢磨吧。推荐一篇文章:http://www.cnblogs.com/cloudgamer/archive/2009/01/06/Tween.html (准确的讲不是推荐文章本身,而是里面的那个 transition-timing-function 预览功能)

transition-delay 属性

Name:           transition-delay
Value:          〈time〉 [, 〈time〉]*
Initial:        0
Applies to:     all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited:      no
Percentages:    N/A
Media:          interactive
Computed value: Same as specified value.
动画执行的延迟时间,同样是写时间值,属性值写法和 transifion-duration 类似,这里不做过多介绍。

transition 简写属性

Name:           transition
Value:          [〈‘transition-property’〉 || 〈‘transition-duration’〉 || 〈‘transition-timing-function’〉 || 〈‘transition-delay’〉 [, [〈‘transition-property’〉 || 〈‘transition-duration’〉 || 〈‘transition-timing-function’〉 || 〈‘transition-delay’〉]]*
Initial:        see individual properties
Applies to:     all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
Inherited:      no
Percentages:    N/A
Media:          interactive
Computed value: Same as specified value.
p {
    transition: color 2s ease 1s, width 0.5s;


首先,属性值在变换的过程中,可以用js取得中间值,这在 duration 时间比较长的时候可以很明显的感受到。
其次,property 的属性值必须是具有动画变换能力的属性名,以下是这类属性名的整理和归类:
颜色值(color)、长度(length)、百分比(percentage)、整数(integer)、数字/实数(number/floating point)、tranform列表(transform list)、矩形坐标(rectangle)、可视状态(visibility)、阴影(shadow)、梯度渐变映射(gradient)等,当然还有由上述属性名组合的用逗号隔开的列表(spece-separated list of above),或者上述属性名的缩写(shorthand property)。
background-color	color
background-image	only gradients
background-position	percentage, length
border-bottom-color	color
border-bottom-width	length
border-color		color
border-left-color	color
border-left-width	length
border-right-color	color
border-right-width	length
border-spacing		length
border-top-color	color
border-top-width	length
border-width		length
bottom			length, percentage
color			color
crop			rectangle
font-size		length, percentage
font-weight		number
grid-*			various
height			length, percentage
left			length, percentage
letter-spacing		length
line-height		number, length, percentage
margin-bottom		length
margin-left		length
margin-right		length
margin-top		length
max-height		length, percentage
max-width		length, percentage
min-height		length, percentage
min-width		length, percentage
opacity			number
outline-color		color
outline-offset		integer
outline-width		length
padding-bottom		length
padding-left		length
padding-right		length
padding-top		length
right			length, percentage
text-indent		length, percentage
text-shadow		shadow
top			length, percentage
vertical-align		keywords, length, percentage
visibility		visibility
width			length, percentage
word-spacing		length, percentage
z-index			integer
zoom			number